2 – layer 12/13 kg
Dimensions: 39 x 59 x 17.5 cm
1 – layer 6/7 kg
Dimensions: 39 x 59 x 11.5 cm
1 – layer 4 kg
Dimensions: 31 x 50 x 11,5 cm
Loose box 13 kg
Dimensions: 39 x 59 x 17.5 cm
Wooden box 13 kg
Dimensions: 29 x 49 x 25 cm
Wooden box 3 – layer 13 kg
Dimensions: 29 x 49 x 25 cm
Bushel 18 kg 4/5 layers
Dimensions: 33 x 50 x 30 cm
4-6-8 pcs fruit
Plastic Euro Pool System
All types of crates
Promotional packaging
Closed boxes for a single apple each
Bag 1-3 kg
Closed automatically or manually
The first apple brand in Poland!
Additionally, on request of our Customers, we may provide:
Stickers, waxing or promotional leaflets!
Applex, Appolonia or other
Promotional leaflets
added to each box